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6 tips for a strong back

6 tips for a strong back

From stiff shoulders to a stabbing pain in your lower back:with these six tips you can prevent back problems in the future as much as possible.

Did you know… Back pain is a common complaint. Four out of five Dutch people sometimes suffer from it.

Tip 1:Watch your posture
You often sit all day, without shifting or standing
for a moment. And that's it, says Marjos Schlüter, physiotherapist at Physiotherapy Practice Hofmijster in Amsterdam. 'It is better to vary your posture a lot, this distributes the load on your back. Also make sure that you do not stand, sit or tilt for too long. Keep an eye on what your body can handle and when an action burdens you too much. That sounds difficult, but you feel very well when activities go too far for your back. And you should avoid that.'

But you can do more than pay attention to your posture to get a strong back and prevent back problems. Read the other tips from page 28 in the June issue of Santé.