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Do you check your skin?

Do you check your skin?

Epidemiologists predict that 1 in 5 Dutch people will develop some form of skin cancer. It is important to quickly discover suspicious spots. Saturday 25 May is Check your skin day.

Checking your skin is very important to detect skin cancer at an early stage. In various hospitals and independent treatment centers there is an open day on Saturday 25 May between 10.00 and 13.00. You will receive information about how you can protect your skin and how to check it yourself. If you sign up in advance, you can have your skin checked.

Awareness is important
In ten years, the number of people with skin cancer has tripled, from 15,000 to 45,000 people per year. We love the sun, but sometimes forget the dangers. Even if you cycle outside for a bit, you must protect your skin. The Check your skin day lets us become aware of the dangers of the sun and check the importance of your skin.

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Do you regularly check your skin?