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The lifestyle of Manon Meijers

The lifestyle of Manon Meijers

Style predominates in the life of Manon Meijers (37). She dresses celebrities, runs her own online magazine and regularly joins RTL Boulevard as a lifestyle expert.

Why do all those famous people need your style help?
'The need often arises in the first instance from a lack of time. Many of my clients are super busy. In addition, they like that they have someone who takes good care of them. Someone who can bring out the best in them. Appearance is quite something vulnerable, especially if you are constantly in the spotlight. We say it's about the inside, but everyone wants to make that good first impression.'

What can clothes do to someone?
'A lot. I notice it myself when I'm having a lazy day and walking around in sweatpants on a Saturday, I feel different than when I'm nicely dressed and tried my best. It makes a world of difference whether you walk in sneakers or in high heels. It does something to your posture, your feeling, your self-confidence:when someone picks at their clothes on TV, I immediately see that he or she is not at ease or not feeling well. When done right, an outfit can really enhance your personality. Someone who has always been a gray mouse may suddenly feel the need to show himself. I noticed the biggest difference with programs such as Hotter Than My Daughter and De Modepolitie, because I gave people a complete metamorphosis. They will then behave differently. If I've dressed someone and this person walks away with his shoulders a little more back, or he or she immediately shows more bravado, then I'm happy.'

Read the entire interview with Manon Meijers in the December issue of Santé. You will also find her sports routine and her food diary there.

Text: Loes van de Mosselaar | Photography: Bart Honingh | Make-up: Linda Huiberts | Courtesy of: