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The lifestyle of nutritionist Megan Rossi

The lifestyle of nutritionist Megan Rossi

Love goes through the stomach, happiness through the gut, says Megan Rossi (31). In her book Eating Happiness, the Australian nutritionist gives tips for a healthy gut and a better mood. “It's not about cutting food groups, it's about what you do eat.”

In your book and on social media you talk about intestines with admiration. What makes those organs so fascinating?

“People often say:you are what you eat, but that's not quite right. You are what you consume. Food does not really enter your body until it passes through the barrier of the intestinal wall and enters your bloodstream, long after you have eaten. Thanks to our digestive tract – which is nine meters long and consists of folded intestines – we can obtain nutrients from food.

In addition, the health of your gut largely determines how your immune system is doing, because seventy percent of our immune cells are in our intestinal tract. And then there are also millions of microbes living in your gut, which we call gut microbiota. They are super important for just about all your health goals, from losing weight and getting fitter to healthy skin and more happiness. You can't change your DNA, but you can take good care of your gut to become happier and healthier. I think that is a very powerful principle.”

Read also: ‘The lifestyle of brain balance expert Charlotte Labee‘

Can a healthy gut make you happier?

“Yes, that is evident from more and more studies. We used to think that our mental health was only partly determined by what we eat, but it is now clear that a gut-friendly diet contributes enormously to this. Your brain has a major influence on your gut. That is why it is important that you also get enough sleep, do not have too much stress and exercise enough. All things that also make you happier.”

How do you know if your gut is healthy?

“I am often asked that question. There is no simple answer, but on my site are ten questions that you can answer to get an idea. Such as:how often do you suffer from bloating? Do you take medicines? How often do you exercise? How many hours do you sleep on average per night? How happy do you feel? The more points you score, the better your gut health.”

Would you like to know how to ensure good intestinal health? Read the complete interview in the June issue of Santé, out now.

Book Eating happiness

In her book Eating happiness Megan Rossi explains in an accessible way how the intestines work and what influence they have on your mood and health. With advice to get more energy, schedules to get more vegetable products from different food groups, to detect food tolerances and more than fifty recipes.

Eating happiness -Megan Rossi, € 24.99, publisher Luitingh Sijthoff.