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The lifestyle of Suzan Hauwert

The lifestyle of Suzan Hauwert

After working in the fashion industry for twelve years, Suzan Hauwert (33) dreamed of her own label. It became Susy Cyclewear, stylish cycling clothing for sporty women.

Why cycling clothing?
'When I started cycling, I quickly noticed how little beautiful clothing there was for cycling women. Wherever I searched, many clothes were too masculine, unfashionable or had a bad fit. It could be so much better, I thought. Just like with yoga and running, you just want to look good on a bike, right? I had been dreaming of my own fashion label for a while and suddenly I knew:I have to do something with this.'

How did you go about it then?
'I first investigated whether other women had as much need for beautiful cycling clothing as I did. Before that, I interviewed all kinds of women and went to cycling events to take surveys. People reacted very enthusiastically to my idea. That gave me so much strength that I just started. Thanks to my experience in fashion production – as a product and account manager I was responsible, among other things, for quality control in factories – I was very familiar with this area. I already had good fabric suppliers in my network, and I already knew the factory in Poland where I now have my clothing produced.'

Curious about Susy Cyclewear? View the clothing on the website.

Read the full article in the July issue of Santé.