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Spot the Differences:Diet vs. lifestyle change

Spot the Differences:Diet vs. lifestyle change

Marije de Vries wrote the book Fitness Bible for Women. She also organizes Fitness Bible for Women-Live in collaboration with Santé; a free program that helps you find a healthier lifestyle. Read in her first column why this program is not a diet.

“Sigh…another diet. The umpteenth one that is going to give me a disappointment.” There are countless diets and theories about nutrition. Not to mention the trends. Actually it is very simple and everyone knows what you need to do to lose weight. Eat less and exercise more. TADAAA you are pounds lighter! The conclusion; any diet or program will work.

There is only one very clear difference between all the diets on this planet and a lifestyle change; working on a healthy lifestyle. Spot the differences:

My definition of a diet:
A diet that you perform during an agreed period with the sole purpose of losing weight. Because it concerns an agreed period, it has no lasting effect. Dieting is always tough, difficult and frustrating because they are standard rules that you must follow. Rules that directly and almost always negatively affect your family, work and social life.

My definition of working on a healthy lifestyle: Working on a healthy lifestyle is a daily affair. By making healthy choices every day, both physically and mentally, you will lose weight and the result will be permanent. Working on a healthy lifestyle almost always positively influences your family, work and social life, because it is allowed to enjoy the tasty and fun things in life in moderation. Working on a healthy lifestyle starts with change and effort and eventually becomes second nature.

See the differences?
If you participate in Fitness Bible for Women-Live I am not going to prescribe you a diet, but I will teach you what good and healthy choices are. You are looking for a lifestyle that gives you energy and is easy to maintain. I'm going to help you with this.

The basis of enjoying life is enjoying food, drink, exercise, people and rest. You can only enjoy life to the fullest forever if you make the right choice for each element and balance them with each other. I think this is a daily affair that you can learn and become good at.

What do you toast to on New Year's Eve?
On Monday December 31, 2012 you will know for sure. You have lost weight and you feel fitter. You now know which products, dishes, training and relaxation suit you, and you know how to deal with situations that tempt you to fall back into unhealthy habits. The year 2013 is off to a fantastic start. This will be the year that your lifestyle change is a fact, forever!

Are you in?
Here you will find more information about Fitness Bible for Women-Live.

Until next time,