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Calculate your ABSI:A Body Shape Index

Calculate your ABSI:A Body Shape Index

With this method you calculate whether you are overweight. It is similar to calculating your BMI, but ABSI takes more into account the shape of your body.

How do you calculate your ABSI? Enter your height, weight, waist circumference, age and gender into an ABSI calculator. For outcome 1, you have an average risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Every tenth point lower or higher gives you ten percent less or more risk respectively.

Body shape By taking into account variables such as waist circumference and age, ABSI – more than BMI – focuses on the shape of the body. If as a woman you have more belly fat but less muscle mass in the limbs, the ABSI calculation will take this into account.

Work on your belly fat
In addition, ABSI provides more information about your health than BMI. It takes into account fat at your waist, the most dangerous fat. ABSI indicates how high your risk is of premature death. If you want to reduce this risk, you can train the muscles near your abdomen, which will shrink your waist. Dieting and exercise can also help. If you really intend to tackle this, ask a professional for advice.