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5 tips to get a picky eater to eat

5 tips to get a picky eater to eat

Do not let yourself be driven to despair if your child eats little or no appetite. With these tips you can try to get him or her to eat something.

1. Watch out for patterns What does your child like and dislike to eat? Try to discover patterns. Are certain structures to your liking or not? Try preparing ingredients in a different way.

2. Let your child help
The food suddenly becomes more interesting when children are allowed to help themselves. For example, let your child choose the vegetables for the week in the supermarket or let him or her help with the preparation

3. Be creative
Serve the food in a nice shape, cut vegetables, make dips with it, use plates with compartments or bowls. Serving the food creatively can tempt your child to eat more.

4. Make rules
Agree, for example, that at least one bite of everything should always be tasted. More examples of rules.

5. Do not reward Opinions differ about rewarding children after eating. One does, while the other prefers not to:rewarding with dessert would give the association that food is indeed dirty and that it should be rewarded.

Do you have any tips for getting children to eat better?