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5 tips to get out of bed easier

5 tips to get out of bed easier

It is getting darker longer in the morning, which does not make getting up any easier.

Tip 1:Stop snoozing
Snoozing doesn't make you more rested. As soon as your alarm goes off, it is best to get out of bed immediately.

Tip 2:Leave your curtains open
Do you get up around the time the sun rises? Then leave the curtains open, so you can wake up to natural light.

Tip 3:Think about the nice things the day will bring
A good breakfast, an appointment with a friend or an outing. Thinking about the good things the day will bring will make getting out of bed easier.

Tip 4:Create a morning ritual
Try to minimize the amount of thinking you have to do in the morning. Have your outfit ready, your bag already packed and perform as many tasks as possible on autopilot. Dull? At other times of the day yes, but in the morning it helps you to start the day calmly.

Tip 5:Make sure you get enough sleep
Getting up easier starts the night before. Getting up is easy if you've had enough sleep, so go to bed on time.