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Tips to eat less salt

Tips to eat less salt

Many Dutch people eat too much salt. We give tips to lower your salt intake.

The facts
On average, the Dutch consume 9 grams of salt per day. And that while we only need 1 gram and more than 6 grams is actually bad for us. Too much salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Salt test
The Consumers' Association regularly tests foodstuffs for salt. Of the 90 products that were tested years ago, 40 products are now just as salty. Some products have even become saltier. Fortunately, some supermarkets and producers are setting a good example and have reduced the number of grams of salt for various products.

The Consumers' Association, the Heart Foundation, the Kidney Foundation and the Dutch Hypertension Association appeal to Minister Edith Schippers of Public Health to ensure that less salt is added to foods.

How can you eat less salt?

1. Use as few packages and bags as possible
Salt is often added to packages, bags and ready-to-use products. By preparing as much as possible yourself, you automatically eat a lot less salt.

2. Use other herbs
Do you like to sprinkle some extra salt on your food? Try to stop that. In it, your food may seem tasteless, but your taste buds get used to it quickly. Use other spices to give your food enough flavor.

3. Read labels
If you want to avoid sugar, read labels. The same applies if you want to consume less salt. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the labels of the products you buy.

4. One salt is not the other salt If you do use salt, you can choose salt to which iodine has been added. Iodine is found in few foods and promotes the functioning of the thyroid gland. Furthermore, more and more people are using Himalayan salt Himalayan salt contains more trace elements and minerals. But salt remains salt, so don't sprinkle it too generously.