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BeBio:The seasonal vegetables of February

BeBio:The seasonal vegetables of February

Why do you hear so much about seasonal vegetables? Do you really have to choose it if you want to live a healthier life?

This is a guest blog by Willemijn and Liselotte from

BeBio: If someone asks us, we say:sure! It is very important to choose seasonal fruits and vegetables. First of all, this is tastier, easier to obtain, fresh and cheaper.

Why are seasonal fruits and vegetables healthy?
If you choose local seasonal products, they contain more nutrients because they are harvested closer to home. They don't have to travel as far before they reach your plate and are therefore only picked when they are ready for harvest. You will also notice that when you choose the season you will eat more varied and that is also good. You will discover other fruits and vegetables that will make you adapt your habits.

February seasonal vegetables…
To make it easy for you, we have listed the seasonal fruits and vegetables for February below:
• Beet
• Kale
• Celeriac
• Kohlrabi
• Leek
• Red cabbage
• Savoy cabbage
• Salsify
• Celery
• Brussels sprouts
• Onion
• Lamb's lettuce
• Winter carrot
• Chicory
• White cabbage

Seasonal fruits
• Grapefruit
• Mandarin
• Orange
• Cox's Orange
• Jonagold
• Golden Reinette
• Winston
• Conference
• Stewed pear