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BeBio Clean Start 3

BeBio Clean Start 3

Over the past few weeks, BeBio has given you tips for a healthy start. This week:a healthy kickstart.

BeBio's blogger Eveline Blom gives tips for everyone who has let themselves go a bit lately. don't worry! With these tips you will be back in shape in no time:

1. Start the day with warm water and lemon
This promotes metabolism and helps to remove toxic substances quickly.

2. Water, water and more water
Skip soft drinks, coffee and alcohol and drink water or green tea all day long.

3. Give your gut a rest
Homemade soup and green smoothies are great for your body after hard days.

4. Move
Move your body! It helps you to quickly dispose of harmful substances and afterwards you will be bubbling with energy again!

5. Go to the sauna
Sweat the party tracks literally. It helps you relax and provides a fresh complexion.

6. Focus on what is allowed
There are so many tasty, healthy products available! Choose pure, fresh and organic and it will be delicious again!

7. Forgive yourself
In the end, we are all only human and we just want to enjoy ourselves once in a while and let ourselves go. It is well. Let it go, get out in the fresh air, breathe in and… ENJOY!

BeBio Clean Start 3

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Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio blog every week on about a healthy and conscious lifestyle. They show how fun healthy living can be and that a conscious lifestyle is within reach for everyone. Read all blogs>>

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