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Why people lose weight when they stop taking light

Why people lose weight when they stop taking light

Light products are healthier, aren't they? Marije from Fitness Bible for Women answers this pressing question.

Marije: Light is better, because it contains no sugar or fat. Do you really think so? Are you being driven crazy by manufacturers who say that you can enjoy 'to the fullest' without feeling guilty? That drinking diet soda generates fiercely attractive men?

People of the Netherlands, if you really want to start living healthier, delete everything that says 0% fat, light or zero from your life. Yes, especially if you want to lose weight! Here are the reasons why this is a good thing to do:

1. Products processed to 0% fat, zero or light, are euh… processed. Processed means toxins, E numbers and chemical processes to get it into that substance. Have we evolved to such an extent that our body can process it well? New. Does your body store it because it doesn't know what to do with it? Yes!

2. Sweet food makes sweet demands. It may not be sugar, but it is sweet. You create a continuous need for sweetness, which makes you less resilient in making healthy choices. This also applies to sweets, among other things. Successful and lasting weight loss =weaning off sugar.

3. It is not healthy to eat a lot of processed food every day. Sooner or later it disrupts physical processes. Processes that affect your quality of life and whether or not you are able to achieve (fitness) goals.

Remember when you do your shopping:
Always make choices based on the ingredients list (as short and natural as possible) and not based on the number of calories.

This mindset is an important difference between people who succeed in achieving their goals and people who continue to struggle with their weight and health. Really!

New book
In my new book (available at the end of March) you will learn everything about a healthy mindset. It gives you all the tools (knowledge and assignments) so that you can make the right choices.

Do you want to be the first of this book and have a chance to win a copy? Then sign up here. This is how you stay informed.

Take care!


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