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This is what happens when you stop taking the pill

This is what happens when you stop taking the pill

Have you stopped taking the contraceptive pill or are you considering stopping it soon? This is what can happen. About the pros and cons of quitting.

Many women use the birth control pill at some point in their lives † This can be to prevent pregnancy, but also to relieve heavy periods. More and more women are stopping the pill even though they don't want to get pregnant. Gynecologist Oosterhuis confirms the pill fatigue. More and more women in his department ask for advice about stopping the pill and inquire about alternatives.

Women who do not want to stop taking the pill because they want to get pregnant, but because they have the idea that the pill has unpleasant side effects. Or they have heard that others feel better without the pill and want to experience what quitting does to their own body.


Your cycle should return to normal within 90 days of stopping the Pill. Don't be alarmed if your cycle is off for a few months. When you stop taking the pill, you will notice that your body has to find its own balance again. This way you can fluctuate in weight and sometimes lose some pounds. The pill ensures that you retain extra fluid. The good news is that you get a little more energy and your desire for sex increases.


Unfortunately, there are also drawbacks to stopping the contraceptive pill † The pill ensures that your hormones no longer fluctuate. As a result, you will suffer less from pimples, for example. If you stop taking the pill, you can suffer from it again, just like oily skin or acne. But even if the acne increases in the first few weeks, it will settle down afterwards. Sometimes you can also experience hair loss. This will also decrease once your hormones are back in balance. So don't worry too much.

Natural cycle

Remember that after stopping the pill you will get your natural cycle back. This also includes the ovulation and possibly premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Your own hormones will fluctuate more than before. This is very normal, but can make sure that you will experience certain complaints more strongly before your period. Think of abdominal pain, back pain and mood swings.


Keep in mind that if you stop taking the pill you will have to use another contraceptive method chooses. Stopping the pill can also have the effect of getting pregnant. But of course we don't have to explain that to you :) Did you know these vegan condoms already?

Photo: Getty Images
Source: Girlfriend

This is what happens when you stop taking the pill
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