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What really happens when you lose weight

What really happens when you lose weight

You finally feel more comfortable in a tight sweater and you feel a lot fitter, but nobody told you the following things about losing weight.

1. You are colder

When you lose weight, you can suffer from hormone fluctuations. A drop in thyroid hormone can make you feel cold more quickly.

Read also: 'Losing weight through running:how does it work?'

2. You need a new beauty routine

A thin layer of fat under your facial skin provides a younger look. As soon as you lose weight in your face, your skin can droop a little more and wrinkles sometimes become more visible.

3. You may suffer from excess skin

When you really lose a lot of kilos, sometimes loose skin remains behind. The skin is stretched and it can take a long time for it to diminish. In some cases, cosmetic surgery is the only solution if you want to get rid of the excess skin.

4. You will still feel fat from time to time

In the beginning you will have to get used to your new figure, but even after that you will sometimes feel fat. Almost everyone has a day when they feel fat, if only because your belly is bloated.

5. You may need new shoes

If you lose weight, your feet can also slim down and that can make a difference in shoe size.