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Why should you drink water if you want to lose weight?

Why should you drink water if you want to lose weight?

What effect does water have on weight loss and should you also drink water while eating. Dietitian Lenny Versteegden explains.

Question :You often hear that you have to drink a lot of water if you want to lose weight. Why is that? And I have another question about water:I sometimes hear that you should not drink water with food, because it is not good for digestion (it would slow down). How about that? A. VAN D., PIJNACKER

Dietician Lenny Versteegden: Water causes the stomach volume to increase, which gives a feeling of fullness. This will decrease your appetite. You have to make sure that you get enough nutrition. Water does not provide energy. If you eat too little, but drink a lot of water, you will quickly feel hungry again, which increases the chance of extra sweets. Drinking water during a meal therefore has no adverse effects, but pay attention to the amount. A good fluid intake ensures that your waste products can be properly excreted through the kidneys. So you have a good disposal of your waste.

Adequate fluid intake is also very important for good bowel movements. When losing weight you often see that people suffer from bad bowel movements. This is due to a combination of eating too little and drinking too little. So that is why attention to moisture is also important for this.

Some more facts about water:People often think that drinking extra water will make you slim. That's a myth. Water requirement:an adult needs one and a half liters of water per day. Pay attention, because with extra effort this need is higher. When you take medication, your fluid needs are also higher. In addition to water, coffee, tea, milk, fruit juice and soft drinks also count as drinking fluids. But fruit juice and soda contain calories, so you should limit their consumption during the weight loss process. Just like alcohol, it actually makes you extra hungry.'
