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Adopt his healthy habits

Adopt his healthy habits

Do men often live less healthy than women? That may well be the case, but these three habits are definitely worth adopting from him.

1. Eat a good meal
Breakfast sometimes falls short and lunch you sometimes cram in behind your desk. Take for example men, who often eat a heartier breakfast than women. Feel free to trade in your bowl of yogurt for an omelette. Don't forget the filling lunch. That way you'll be full until dinner.

2. Take action
Where you sometimes get stuck with making plans, men quickly switch to action. Do you think it would be cool to go on a mountaineering holiday? Sign up for climbing lessons. Hoppa, another step closer to your goal.

3. Let it go
Stop whining and overanalyzing. In women, the right hemisphere is often more dominant, which means that we rely more on feeling and emotion. Men are more often guided by their left hemisphere, the analytical side. When you keep mulling over problems, it is wise to put your feelings aside for a while. Look for a practical solution and let it go. | Image:Shutterstock