Having nice buttocks, if genetics didn't interfere , it is not given to all...
Running, swimming, working out or lifting weights either.
If, like me, the last time you played sports goes back to the baccalaureate exams, as much to tell you that it could be very, very painful.
Not only for our body, painful also for our finances. Enrollment in fitness clubs costs a fortune... Which often means that we remove sport from our activities for the sake of economy.
So, to find the silhouette of our 20s and capsize all the guys thanks to a buttocks curve to make J-Lo AND Beyoncé jealous, you have to be tricky . And me, cunning, it knows me.
To do everywhere, all the time and without realizing it small exercises, follow the leader ! It's this way, for a firm and bouncy butt.
So for short journeys, no more metro, bus or car, we use our legs! Any effort must be an excuse to develop our muscles...
In front of the escalator or the stairs, a choice is essential! With a toned and alert step, we climb the stairs , one by one, contracting our glutes well with each step. Certainly slower, but extremely effective! No need to take steps 4 to 4. When it comes to sculpting a figure, repetition trumps effort.
Basically, the more you repeat a movement, even a very simple one, the more the muscle prints. Us, all we want is to get a nice curve in our great jeans, not a professional footballer's butt!
So, put like that, it can be scary... I'm not talking about 24-hour intensive sport. No, just to take advantage of certain opportune moments to some exercises of bodybuilding. With a little imagination and discipline, you will realize that our daily life is full of good times for the gym .
It is possible to continue working, at the office for example. Sitting on a chair, we contract our muscles for 1 minute then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat 15 times to get a hell of a little booty...
There you go, you now know how to have beautiful buttocks thanks to two simple habits :-)
These are small habits to form. Simple, effective... and economical habits!
It has been proven that the human brain needs three weeks of repetitions of the same acts to record an action as a habit...
You will see, after this time, no more escalators! You will naturally opt for the stairs.
In the same way, you will naturally do your exercises in your office chair. Well, be careful not to get grilled by your colleagues during your sets of 15, at the risk of sounding like a fitness freak.