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3 ways to improve your digestion

3 ways to improve your digestion

Help your digestion. You can apply these three tips today.

1. Eat slower and chew better
Good digestion starts in your mouth. If you don't chew well enough, the food does not mix well with the enzymes in your saliva. Your stomach will have more trouble digesting the food.

Read also: How long should you chew on one bite?

2. Eat healthy
Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and products with fiber. For example, add some flaxseed to your breakfast, a good ingredient to support your digestion. Feel free to add spices to give your food more flavor. Cinnamon, mint and ginger, among others, are good choices for your digestive system.

3. Move
Exercise stimulates your intestines. Get off the couch and put yourself (and your digestive system) to work.