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Show your heart

Show your heart

Women are less likely to suffer from the characteristic pressure in the middle of the chest with cardiovascular disease. Complaints are therefore often recognized too late. Today is Dress Red Day, a day on which the Heart Foundation draws attention to this problem.

Women are not men
Much of the research currently being done on cardiovascular disease focuses primarily on men. In terms of cardiovascular disease, women and men differ from each other. The studies are therefore not applicable to women. It is important that research is also done on women. Cardiovascular diseases are currently the number one cause of death among women worldwide.

Reduced chest pain
The most common complaint of a heart attack is an oppressive or pressing pain in the middle of the chest. In women, chest pain is often less characteristic than in men. Women are more likely than men to be short of breath or short of breath, anxious, very tired and dizzy. This makes doctors think of stress or the menopause. As a result, treatment often comes too late, causing women to suffer unnecessarily. The Heart Foundation wishes to emphasize that it is vital that women are aware of the signs and risks of cardiovascular disease in good time and that the care for women with these diseases must be improved.

Are you wearing something red today to draw attention to this problem? For more information, visit