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Balanced life is currently a challenge for the Netherlands

Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, almost half of the Netherlands has indicated that it is difficult to live a healthy and balanced life. This is evident from research by Optimel. Young people aged 18 to 24 in particular find their lives on average a lot less balanced compared to the period before the pandemic. 40% of all women under 40 indicate that their mental health has become (much) less good.

In the survey, the Dutch were asked how balanced they think their lives are at the moment and what the pandemic has changed. On average, the Dutch give the balance in their lives a score of 7.1. More than a quarter of the Dutch give themselves a 6 or lower when it comes to their balance sheet. In two-thirds of this group, the pandemic has worsened their situation even further.

Take on and persevere

Optimel wants to help Dutch people to tackle and maintain their healthier lifestyle. In the period around Blue Monday (17 January) – the day when good intentions are most often abandoned – Optimel will spend 21 days looking for more balance with experts. Max, an online buddy, takes people on whatsapp in her search for balance and shares tips and tricks about maintaining new routines and a healthy lifestyle. Max uses the knowledge and insights of experts, such as a dietician, sports psychologist, behavioral scientist and stress expert, to help people live a more balanced life.

Good intentions

78% of the Dutch want to work on a more balanced life and of the less balanced Dutch this is even 91%. In particular, they plan to adjust the amount of exercise, sleep, and healthy eating and drinking. They also want to find a better balance between relaxation and stress in the new year. Almost half of Dutch people who have never used a coach before would like to use them to achieve their goals. The greatest need is for a personal trainer, psychologist, dietician and career coach. More than a third of women who are currently less balanced indicated that they needed the personal guidance of an expert to tackle their lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle and social activities

The research shows that one in three Dutch people has difficulty with sufficient exercise, having the right mix between relaxation and exertion, and good mental health. Finding a good work-life balance, a healthy weight and structure has also become a challenge for many.
The vast majority of women experience a decline in their social life (77%), which applies to 59% of men.
Half of the young people (18-24 years old) have started exercising (much) less.
40% of women under 40 say their mental health has deteriorated since the pandemic. For men this is 28%.

Sports psychologist Yara van Gendt:“For a balanced feeling, structure in your social life, sports, nutrition and work/private life is very valuable. A quarter of the Dutch have lost their regularity due to the pandemic and must try to find it again in the new year. For a good start, it helps to set concrete goals, preferably small and achievable goals. It is also important to ask yourself why you want to achieve these goals and to determine which steps are necessary today.”