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The healing benefits of art

Being busy with art is a moment in which time itself seems to stand still. You become so intertwined with your concentration, flow and self-expression that other thoughts that can generally drive your mood away. For this reason, it is important to start something new without worrying about a difficult moment. Here are eight ways art can heal you from the inside out.

1. Self-expression
In your busy life of work, household chores, children and other responsibilities, you have very little time (if any) for true self-expression. Give yourself this gift. Self-expression gives you the space to process who you are during a certain time in your life and offers your inner self the chance to be heard.

2. Let go of judgment
This may take a little practice. Many people think that they should create these fantastic works of art that are similar to what they have seen from professionals. How do you think these people became professionals? Everyone started where you are now. They too may have thought that their craftsmanship was not worth it for others to see. So remember not to judge yourself. Laugh at your mistakes, and remind yourself that maybe it wasn't a mistake at all. This lesson can also be carried over to the rest of your life.

3. Intuition
Your intuition can guide you in every way of life, if you allow it. Art is a safe and personal way to learn to live in your intuition instead of just following your thoughts. Which stroke of the brush or dance move does your soul want? What thought stops or slows that gut feeling? Your struggle through these feelings spills over into your job, relationships, and self-love. Pay attention to these challenges. Your intuition and happiness will become stronger in this process.

4. Meditation
You may have a hard time with the “standard” ways of meditation. Your brain just doesn't slow down enough to reap the benefits, or you don't even try because you feel like you're just too hyper. Art may be the perfect form of meditation for you. The hands and brain focus on a non-stressful activity just long enough to allow you to drift into a meditative state. From here on, other forms of meditation become easier. You can also choose to make a mandala, meditation during and after the project.

5. Giving and receiving
One of the laws of the universe, giving and receiving, is central to healing, abundance and manifestation of the pleasures of life. Your art can be a gift to yourself and to others. Keeping the circle of both giving and receiving is the lesson. If you find it difficult to give, make something and present it to a loved one. If you find it more difficult to receive, give yourself permission to enjoy your art yourself. Accept it as a gift and cherish it.

6. Acceptance
If you're not completely satisfied with your art, that's okay. Accept your journey. Accept that you can try again for your vision, or accept that you may have to try something else again. Wherever you are, accept that you are as good enough as you are.

7. Create calm
Often your life feels like a to-do list. Leave the chores where they are, get the family together and create an art activity that will bring peace to everyone. By participating in such an activity, you create an environment characterized by tranquility and creativity. You might be surprised at how much more help you get to get what needs to be done and even better...everyone is happier.

8. Unity
There are so many races, religions, traditions and cultures that love and embrace art. It has the power to bring people together in meaningful ways. Bring together a community with an art project of your choice and heal the city.

Now that you've got the basics down, your mind is probably thinking about all sorts of ideas that aren't mentioned here. Grab your notepad and write them down. After all, writing is also an art form.