Hay fever happens every spring and summer.
The symptoms are distressing. Especially when they affect the sinuses and lead to migraines.
Fortunately, there is a natural remedy to relieve hay fever.
This remedy is magnesium chloride.
1. Dilute 1 sachet of magnesium chloride in 1 liter of water.
2. From the first days of symptoms, drink 2 or 3 glasses of diluted magnesium chloride daily for 5 days.
3. Then lower the doses gradually.
There you go, you have relieved your hay fever :-)
Easy, efficient and practical! You don't even have to run to the pharmacy to buy allergy medicine.
It's still nicer that way, isn't it?
At the beginning of March, take a 3-week course of magnesium chloride. This will anticipate your allergy.
Click here to discover the trick.