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New breast cancer inhibitor available to everyone

New breast cancer inhibitor available to everyone

In August 2012, a trial started with an inhibitor against metastatic hormone-sensitive breast cancer. The drug appeared to work well. Good news, then, that the drug is now available to everyone.

This is the medicine Afinitor, which contains the active substance everolimus. Chemotherapy can therefore be postponed by an average of 11 months.

In August, 40 hospitals started a trial with Afinitor. The first results show that the drug works well. This corresponds to foreign results. Shortly after ingestion, patients have less pain and tumor-related complaints. The drug is well tolerated and has few side effects.

Reimbursement of health insurer
Health insurers have decided to reimburse the drug, which is why the trial was stopped earlier. Anyone can now be treated with Afinitor.