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The Average Diet

The Average Diet

We stop dieting after an average of five weeks, two days and 43 minutes.

16 percent stop dieting even after two weeks. One in seven women keeps their diet for 13 weeks, according to a British study.

The flip side
Dieting is difficult. For 1 in 6 women, this is due to the feeling of hunger. For 42 percent it is because of the temptation to chocolate and 30 percent feel depressed. The rest of the family also adds to the difficulty. They also have to cook for them while dieting and that turns out to be difficult.

What it takes to persevere
To maintain a diet, we do crazy things. In the study, one reported eating in the gazebo to stay away from their family during dinner. Clothes are bought that are too small, the closets are secured with padlocks and some women go to bed earlier.

2.7 diets per year
Because diets often only last for a short time, we regularly start over. On average, women go on a diet 2.7 times a year. The average age at which we start dieting is 26 years.

Sometimes we scare ourselves in pictures and that is the reason to go on a diet. A divorce also often follows a diet, just like when we discover that we are the fattest person in the office. We also sometimes start dieting when our sex life is boring, or when we suspect that our partner is having an affair.

Are you able to maintain a diet?