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Medicines often not vegetarian

Know your meds! Tablets and liquid medicines often contain gelatin, which comes from animal skins and bones. So not good news for vegetarians.

People who don't use animal products want to eat, are often not aware that all kinds of commonly used medications are not suitable for vegetarians † Investigators of the Manchester Royal Infirmary confirm this following research they conducted into drug preferences of five hundred patients.

The results
Two hundred people indicated that they do not want to consume animal products , because they were vegetarian or for other cultural or religious reasons † More than half of them only want to use medication with animal ingredients if there is no alternative is. But only one in five of these vegetarians turned out to inquire about the ingredients of medication from the doctor or pharmacist. † Even 49 patients turned out to be taking medicines containing gelatin, while half of them actually don't want to.

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Alternatives to gelatin?
Gelatin binds liquids and ensures that tablets and capsules not fall apart. It is mainly used in cheaper produced, generic drugs used. According to the British researchers, producers should look at alternatives and on the labels should indicate more clearly what exactly is in the medicines. Then patients can make a conscious choice.

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