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Homeopathic Medicines Act

Homeopathic Medicines Act

As of July 1, it is no longer allowed to mention what they are for on homeopathic. Not everyone agrees with that. The petition against this law has been signed almost 60,000 times.

The reason that Minister Edith Schippers wants to implement this law is that the effect of homeopathic medicines has not been scientifically proven. The fact is that once the rule is implemented, homeopathic medicines will become a lot less accessible.

70 percent of Dutch people use homeopathic medicines. Only 9 percent of Dutch people agree with the measure.

Free choice
The Free Choice Foundation has recently campaigned for the return of information on packaging and information leaflets. The foundation believes that everyone should know what homeopathic remedies are for. Users must have access to the information they are entitled to.

Research source:MetrixLab

Do you think that the packaging of a homeopathic medicine should state what it is for?