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To weigh or not to weigh?

To weigh or not to weigh?

Are you often on the scale? Whether you weigh yourself or not, both have their pros and cons.

If you've set yourself a (waste) goal, it's nice to know where you stand. Your weight can be a guideline. Try to weigh yourself at a fixed time during the week and certainly not to step on the scale too often. Don't let the scale become an obsession.

Don't weigh
It can be a huge relief to stop worrying about the number on the scale. After all, the most important thing is how you feel. It shouldn't matter what number is attached to it. Do you want to be less concerned with your weight? Put your scale with a friend for a while.

Also read Away with the scales

Don't have a scale yet? has an extensive range of scales. Click on the images below for more information or to order right away.

To weigh or not to weigh?
