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'Tipsy' gene discovered

 Tipsy  gene discovered

American scientists have discovered a gene that can help prevent or counteract alcohol addiction.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina discovered that there is a gene is called CYP2EI, which causes people to feel tipsy more quickly † Due to this effect, carriers of this gene tend to stop drinking sooner. Thus they are less likely to become alcoholics To hit.

Drunk quickly
For the study, the scientists invited more than 400 subjects who had at least one alcoholic parent had. The participants were first given a cocktail equivalent to three glasses of spirits. Then they had to indicate whether they felt sleepy or drunk felt.

10 to 20 percent of the people surveyed were found to feel drunk more quickly than the other participants. These are the carriers of the gene (CYP2EI).

The scientists want to use this knowledge to develop a medicine that activates this special gene in humans. When people become more sensitive to alcohol , it can help them to drink less. The gene also ensures that the alcohol is broken down faster , which can also help with sobering up faster.

The research is published in the journal Alcoholism:Clinical and Experimental Research

By the way:Did you know that men are twice as likely to be at risk than women on a alcohol addiction † Their brains experience more pleasure with a glass of beer or wine than the female brain.