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Too thin

Too thin

It seems ideal for some, but being (too) thin is sometimes very annoying. Gaining a few pounds is often easier said than done.

Dietitian Lenny Versteegden gives advice.

'In the past, a Body Mass Index (BMI*) of less than 20 meant you were too skinny, but nowadays the lower limit is 18.5. For example, underweight can arise in people who are under a lot of stress and who spend little time on their diet.

I eat everything
Some people say:I eat everything, but I don't gain weight. If you have a fast metabolism, you can indeed eat more without gaining weight. But just because you have a fast metabolism doesn't mean you'll always be too thin. Someone who is thin or skinny has proportionally more muscle than fat tissue, and therefore has a higher metabolism.

Full products
By using the full-fat variants of products (whole milk, full-fat margarine and full-fat cheese) you can ensure that you consume more calories.

Multiple meals per day
Eating more than three meals a day can also help.

Sport has a major influence on your metabolism and that is why sport is a good addition to your diet if you are trying to gain a few kilos. Choose especially sports that build muscle mass. It is better not to do too much sports that are aimed at burning fat.

White bread
Temporarily eat white bread instead of brown. That saturates less quickly, so you can eat more of it. Arriving with whipped cream and mayonnaise is not a good idea; you then get too much saturated fat.

Stop smoking
Quitting smoking is also an important tip. During smoking, the metabolism is increased, because the body experiences smoking as stress. As a non-smoker you also have more appetite and everything tastes better.

In a natural way
If it is not possible to get enough calories, there are special packs of drinks or powders for extra energy. But rather try to gain weight naturally. That takes at least as much time as losing weight; half a kilo every one to two weeks is already nice.

Expert help
It is wise to get expert help upon arrival. It is highly recommended, especially if you are underweight due to an eating disorder.'