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One in three women binge eat

One in three women binge eat

One in three women in the Netherlands suffers from binge eating. In addition, more than half try to keep their excessive sniffing a secret from others.

From a food survey by women's magazine Margriet shows that 37 percent of women suffer from binge eating † Margriet conducted research among 4,000 women aged 25 and older. They indicated that during a binge they eat much faster and besides, more than half of the women make sure no one sees it. When the binge is over, three quarters feel guilty † Remarkably, the women who binge eat tend to be more impulsive, more perfectionist and less stress resistant than average.

Lose weight
Almost nine out of ten women are more or less afraid of becoming fat. Also, 70 percent of the women surveyed indicated that they want to lose 10 kilos or more † Yet 23 percent are satisfied with her weight. However, severely overweight women often lie about their weight.

Furthermore, nearly half of the women have at least two diets in the past year and the ladies regularly hold a balance day

Some good news: the research shows that fewer women are trying to lose weight in an unwise way than ten years ago. At the time, 15 percent used laxatives , now it's 9 percent. At the time, one in three women also indicated that they were fasting strictly (not eating for more than eight hours), now that it is 'only' 8 percent.