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Colon cancer test pilot

Colon cancer test pilot

Colon cancer is a form of cancer that can be treated well, provided it is diagnosed in time. That is why a colon cancer test will be introduced from January. The pilot of the test will start this week.

More than 2,500 people in the southwest of the Netherlands will receive an invitation this week to participate in the pilot for the cancer population screening.

Test Pack
Participants receive a test package with which they can send a sample of their stool. The RIVM then investigates whether there is blood in the stool sent. Possible colorectal cancer can thus be detected and treated early.

Introducing the test
The test will be carried out nationwide from January. About 875,000 people between the ages of 55 and 75 will then be asked for the test. It is intended that eventually more than 2.3 million people per year will receive an invitation for the colon cancer test. The test is repeated every two years. The goal is to prevent 1,400 deaths from colon cancer.

Source:Health Net – Image:Shutterstock