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Less overweight with moderate alcohol consumption

Normal-weight women who drink lightly to moderately gain weight less quickly than women who never drink. This is according to research at Harvard University, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine .

The study of 19,220 women showed that women who drank 15 to 30 grams of alcohol per day were 30 percent less likely to be overweight. This applies to all types of alcohol , but the relationship is strongest with red wine

The women who participated in the 'Woman's Health Study' were all healthy, between 39 and 89 years old and a normal weight at the start of the study. After a period of almost thirteen years, it turned out that more than 41 percent of the participants had become overweight. Nearly four percent were found to be obese. The non-drinkers gained the most

Why moderate drinkers stay slimmer , the researchers do not yet know exactly. But they advise against taking the bottle right away, since moderate drinking also has disadvantages for health.