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Women know too little about the pill

Women know too little about the pill

Women know what they find important in a pill. But 70 percent are not aware of what is possible to make a good choice. This and more is apparent from a study by Firm United Healthcare among 500 women between the ages of 20 and 45.

Women know what they think is important in a pill, but are too little aware of the possibilities to make a good choice themselves. For example, almost 60 percent do not know that a contraceptive pill helps protect against ovarian and endometrial cancer † And almost 70 percent of women, for example, do not know that it is not wise to take the contraceptive pill if you smoke and are older than 35 years. This combination doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, women don't just switch from one pill to another. Especially because women often know too little about the pill , they are not always able to make a suitable choice and to discuss it with the GP.

“There are a lot of women who are still taking the same pill they started with years ago. And these are pills that came on the market as early as the 1970s, which, in particular, general practitioners still cling to. There are now newer pills. I'm sure if women knew more about new pills, they would choose a pill that suits them better now ,' says gynecologist Ineke van Seumeren.