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Why you also want to use mushrooms for your health + giveaway

Our health is more important than ever. Mushroom supplements are an emerging trend. Discover why from now on you also want to use mushrooms for your health.

What are mushroom supplements?

There are several mushroom supplements, each with its own effect. It is important when choosing a supplement that you make sure that they are organic. Mushrooms live on their environment and absorb everything. No distinction is made here between good and bad things. This means that pesticides, fungicides, heavy metals, other poisons and toxins are also absorbed by the mushroom.

If you opt for non-organic products, you will inadvertently ingest substances that are bad for your body. Capsules are used for intake, which sometimes have other healthy ingredients to support the mushrooms.

Why should you use mushroom supplements?

More and more people are discovering the benefits of using mushroom supplements. It is even becoming a whole trend in the Netherlands! Not surprising, when you look at all the health benefits that mushrooms have. After all, they are natural products that you can always use without any problems for side effects.

Whether you suffer from excessive stress, your ability to concentrate leaves much to be desired or you are looking for a remedy for allergies, the various medicinal mushrooms such as Cordyceps can support you in good health.

Three mushrooms highlighted for you

There are many different mushrooms that all have different health benefits. Below you will find three different types of mushrooms especially for you that can support your health in different areas.

Discover everything about Chaga mushrooms

The Chaga mushroom is also known as birch weather fungus, because it is parasitic on the birch tree. It is one of the most widely used mushrooms because of the large number of active components that have an antioxidant, antitumor and

have an antiviral effect. These active ingredients make the Chaga mushroom  a real immune booster for your overall health.

In addition, the Chaga mushroom has a strong antiviral effect. Ideal if you have a cold or want to avoid getting sick in the cold months of the year. You can also use this mushroom for:

  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Inhibiting inflammation
  • Improve vitality
  • Keep your skin elastic

Discover the Lion's Mane mushroom

The Lion's Mane is an unusual mushroom, which is especially notable for the creamy white spines that resemble a lion's mane. This mushroom is very special thanks to the polysaccharides HEM. These have a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system in general.

When the signal transmission is damaged by plaque (which is often the case in people with dementia or memory problems), Lion's Mane can support its recovery. A must have for cognitive support and your brain.

Lion's Mane also helps with emotional and stress-related complaints. Do you need a concentration boost, for example because you have to graduate? Then you can use Lion's Mane as natural support.

Other benefits of using Lion's Mane mushrooms:

  • Improves focus
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Supports gastrointestinal system
  • Tacks memory problems

You want to know this about the Cordyceps mushroom

Finally, the Cordyceps mushroom is highlighted. Just like the mushrooms mentioned earlier, this is a very special one. The Cordyceps mushroom is widely applicable when it comes to your health. The mushroom contains, among other things:cordycepin, nucleotides, polysaccharides, sterols, trace elements and minerals. These substances are good for the heart and blood vessels, respiratory tract, liver and glucose metabolism.

In China, this mushroom is mainly used by athletes because of the many useful substances that promote oxygen absorption. The positive impact on the respiratory system and energy level is only part of the many health benefits. You can also use the mushroom for:

  • Better lung function
  • Improve fertility
  • Extra energy after a bad night's sleep
  • Improve the function of the kidneys

Pure Mushrooms, organic mushroom supplements for good health

Do you want to support your health in a natural way? Then take a look at the mushroom supplements from Pure Mushrooms. These are grown according to age-old traditions in the primeval forests of China. There are no chemicals involved, so you get pure and unprocessed mushroom supplements. In addition, the mushrooms have plenty of time to grow optimally. The slow growth of the fruiting body ensures that more valuable substances can be found in the mushroom.

Extracts are used for production instead of powders. Extracts are many times more concentrated than powders and contain a higher concentration of polysaccharides.

All ingredients are certified organic and meet strict quality requirements. In this way, each capsule contains the maximum bioavailability of the active substances, so that they are better absorbed into the body.

As a bonus, Acerola is added to the mushroom supplements. As a result, you not only get your daily dose of mushroom, but also another 20 mg of organic acerola. Acerola is a tropical fruit that contains 33x more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, acerola also contains carotene (vitamin A) and vitamins B (B1, B2 and B3).

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals. In addition, it supports the resistance and immune system. Furthermore, vitamin C helps with the absorption of energy from food, the absorption of iron and the production of collagen in your body. Collagen is indispensable for healthy skin, hair and nails.

The capsules are 100% vegan!

Have a chance to win a pack of Lion's Mane mushroom supplements from Pure Mushrooms

Are you curious about what mushrooms can do for you? Then participate in this giveaway. I can raffle no less than 3 x a package with Lion's Mane mushroom supplements from Pure Mushrooms among my readers. Lion's Mane is perfect if you want to improve your focus, need a boost to your memory or if you suffer from stomach and intestinal complaints. In addition, it reduces anxiety and depression. Combined with vitamin C from acerola, your immune system is also supported.

How can you win a pack of Lion's Mane mushroom supplements?

I'll keep it very simple this time, you don't have to write long stories about the how or what, because I think everyone benefits from using mushroom supplements.

  • Leave in a comment below that you are participating

Have a better chance of winning?

As always you have a better chance of winning if you follow the steps below (in brackets is how many times your name goes into the name lottery machine at which step):

  • Follow tips for you on FB (+1)
  • Share the post on FB and tag tips for you in it (+3)
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The giveaway runs until Sunday 27 June 2021 at 00:00. On Monday 28 June, 3 winners will be announced on FB and they will receive an email from me. The winners have 48 hours to answer my email, otherwise I will draw another winner.