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Why standing is better for your health

Why standing is better for your health

More and more people suffer from health problems because they work while sitting. Nowadays, sit-stand desks are increasingly popular. Working while standing has a lot of health benefits.

Calorie Burn

Your weight will increase if you eat more calories than you burn. The fastest way to burn calories is of course through lots of exercise. However, standing work can also contribute to combustion. Research has shown that working standing up burns an extra 170 calories. Based on a five-day work week, that's an extra 850 calories!

Read also: 'Working so many hours is good for your well-being'

Less risk of cardiovascular disease

The first evidence that working standing is better for your health dates back to 1953. Research was done on bus drivers who stood all day. This showed that the standing bus drivers had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than colleagues who sat all day. Since then, more and more researchers have delved into the developments of sitting and standing working. Recent research shows that people with a sedentary job have a 147% higher risk of cardiovascular disease. It even turns out to be so harmful that an hour of intensive exercise cannot compensate for sitting all day.

Less pain in your neck and back

When you stand you have less trouble with your neck and back. When you sit, your back is in an unnatural position. After a while you can suffer from back pain. If you choose to work behind a sit-stand desk from now on, you will notice that the pressure on the spine decreases.