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Why Refined Salt is not Good for your Health.

Why Refined Salt is not Good for your Health.

The white salt that we usually buy loses all these benefits. Yes, it's beautiful, it's white, but when it's gray it's better for my health. So which one do I take?

Salt was once used to preserve our food. Today, if we refine it, it is to better preserve it. Funny isn't it? It must be said that salt suffers the effects of humidity because of its many trace elements that do us so much good.

Why Refined Salt is not Good for your Health.

Why I Decided to No Longer Buy White Salt

1. Because to make salt white is to add heaps of junk to it . White salt, regardless of the brand, undergoing its refining stages goes through chemical processes to be able to be preserved and become as white as white. It is therefore no longer as natural as we believe.

2. Because refining eliminates the natural benefits of salt. If the salt is all white, it means that all its trace elements and other minerals have been removed, and there are heaps of them:iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper and fluorine! In fact, only sodium chloride remains and that is precisely why salt is partly bad for our health.

3. Rather than white salt, I prefer unrefined gray salt . I do not hide from you that it is a little more expensive, strangely enough, whereas it undergoes fewer operations. Unrefined gray salt is therefore gray in appearance, but above all, it retains all these precious minerals and trace elements mentioned above. It is therefore much healthier. Always consume in moderation though!

So, are you going to continue buying white salt now? Tell me everything in your comments. In any case, I'm sure, I adopted unrefined salt, so good for my health!