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Guaranteed fun in moving more thanks to a sports buddy

Exercising is healthy, but if you have to do it on your own, many people give up. Fortunately, you are guaranteed to enjoy more exercise thanks to a sports buddy. Are you looking for a sports buddy? A sports partner that keeps the motivation going, so that you both stay physically healthy? Then read on quickly.

Making time to exercise

We are busy with all sorts of things. Our work keeps us busy for at least 8 – 9 hours a day. In addition, there may be a family or partner that deserves attention, you do not want to let other social contacts dilute and you prefer to have some time for yourself.

No matter how busy you are, exercise is just as important for your general well-being as work, family and everything else in your life. So free up some space in your agenda, so that you can spend some time (intensively) working on your body.

That is especially important after all the measures. Many people have been sitting at home for months with a limited social circle. Moving was not enough and many people see this in the extra kilos on the scale. Fortunately, we are allowed to do more again and that includes sports.

Sports:healthy for body and mind

Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body. But did you know that exercise is also necessary for your mental health? Exercising reduces psychological complaints, such as feelings of anxiety and depression. In addition, sports or exercise in general helps to experience less stress and gives energy. This is contrary to what most people think, which is that exercise only costs energy. And believe it or not, it can improve your mood. Enough reasons to start exercising.

Guaranteed pleasure in exercising more thanks to a sports buddy

Of course you can walk or run around the block on your own. Or you go to the gym to work up a sweat on your own. But did you know that sports is a barrier for many people precisely because of the loneliness? That is of course not surprising, because by exercising on your own you can quickly lose motivation. This while exercise is indispensable to be and remain physically and mentally healthy. In addition, it is much more fun if you can chat with someone in between sports.

That is why having a sports buddy is a must. With a sports partner by your side you can motivate each other. In addition, a sports buddy is not only fun to exercise with, it also adds something socially. You suddenly have someone next to you who also wants to get fit, who sees the benefits of exercise and who is also a nice sparring partner.

By the way:for some sports you simply cannot do without a partner. Think of sports such as tennis, squash or badminton.

How to find the perfect sports partner

Does your girlfriend have no time to exercise with you? Is your partner's schedule busy? Do you have a busy schedule and are you looking for a flexible sports buddy? Or are you alone and do you finally want to exercise a little more, but do you lack the motivation to do so? You can easily and quickly find a sports partner via the sportsunited platform. This platform connects people with each other through sports. Moreover, they want to contribute to the health of society – within the community

How does finding a sports buddy work

Finding a sports buddy is actually quite simple. You register as a member, after which you get unlimited access to the community via the app. There you can find a sports partner near you with a few clicks. Join a group divided by sport and location, send a message and meet at a club near you. There are various sports to choose from:tennis, sqash, golf, badminton, padel and much more. Flexible, relaxing and above all fun for you and your sports buddy!

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