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This is why a massage is so good for you

This is why a massage is so good for you

Mmm, a wonderful massage. Do you ever treat yourself to it? You are absolutely right if you do, because it is very good for you in several ways.

It can take some getting used to for the first time, a 'strange' someone who touches you. But if you surrender to it and notice that you feel a lot better after a session, you prefer to book another one right away:a massage.

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A bargain, of course. During a good, professional massage, your (stiff) muscles are loosened. And targeted touches can help your sore muscles, too. It may take a few massages, but you're actually giving your muscles one big reset button by having them massaged. Back to the phase where they didn't bother you. Incidentally, you do not have to have muscle pain or other complaints to have a massage.

Circulation and waste

A good massage also stimulates better blood circulation. That is also the reason why you can feel both boosted and a bit rosy afterwards, in addition to the fact that a massage can be very relaxing. Got more color on your cheeks? Then thank your boosted circulation. A massage also works as a clearer for waste materials that hang around in your body. The lymphatic vessels in particular are extra stimulated and they ensure that those substances will leave your system extra quickly.

Because I'm happy

Mmm, just like after a yoga class you are often happy in a nice way after a massage. That's right, because the deep and targeted touches ensure that your body produces serotonin. One of the happiness hormones. All natural, so nothing to worry about. Perhaps it will ebb for you for a while and you will also get a better sleep that night.

Choices, choices

You can opt for a regular relaxation massage. Delicious. But there are more types, shapes and choices. How about a stress-fix massage, for example? Or hot stones? There are connective tissue massages that promise to tackle the cellulite on your legs. Swedish, Balinese, Ayurvedic massages… and special sports massages for everyone who lets their body sweat and toil through all kinds of weather and who also wants to perform a little better. In addition, a trained sports masseur identifies problems in time and can give specific tips on how to move better. It's good to read up on the types before booking your first massage.