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Getting fat, the danger of isolation and tips to avoid it

We have been in a partial lockdown for several weeks because of Covid-19. Many people work at home, the children follow lessons from home. And that is precisely the problem, because that can make you gain weight. Getting fat, the danger of isolation and tips to prevent this.

Covid-19, working from home and children being at home

Our lives have completely changed for a few weeks now. We used to go out every day at the beginning of March to work, play sports, do the shopping and the children go to school, now most of the people are at home. Working from the home office is the new norm. Children take online classes. The gym is closed and we just have to see if we manage to stay fit. The shops are partly open, but with restrictions and rules.

You may have found a new rhythm that works well for everyone in the family. Perhaps you are still looking for the right balance. And therein lies the danger:sitting at home might make us bored. There is less movement, faster snacking. In short:because of this home insulation, there is a great danger that we will arrive.

Getting fat, the danger of isolation and tips to avoid it

There are a number of factors that make getting fat lurking:

  • The children are at home and it seems as if their hunger never ends. You will be happy to bake and of course you will also enjoy yourself
  • Food is widely known as a comfort food. People who experience stress from the whole situation can find comfort in the kitchen, where unhealthy snacks are often within reach
  • The everyday rhythm is gone, so you deserve something delicious
  • You now have more time than ever and so you want to use the time to learn how to bake. Unfortunately you can't share the pastry with anyone, so eat it yourself
  • Because your family is suffering from the situation, you want to spoil the family extra, so you are regularly in the kitchen, where you also enjoy a few snacks
  • Of course you also keep moving at home, for example with these tips to stay fit at home, but you miss your sports buddies and because of all the stress, your motivation to stay fit is gone
  • It is busier than usual, because you don't only have to work from home, your children are also at home all day and need attention. So:you reach for bags, packages and easy-to-make meals faster
  • The supply is limited in the supermarket or you get so stressed that you reach for easy things
  • You don't have to leave home, so you end up moving a lot less

And so there could be thousands of reasons why the danger of gaining weight is very real. Time to tackle it before it's too late.

Tips to avoid arriving during the Corona crisis

Not sure where to start? With the tips below you can avoid gaining weight or at least keep it to a minimum.

Keep moving

Despite all the measures, you can just keep moving. Exercise is the most important thing if you want to avoid gaining weight from your home office. And that is not surprising, I have read in various groups on Facebook that people have already gained a few kilos. This exercise can be done indoors, in the garden and in your immediate surroundings. Just schedule time for this. Go for a bike ride, take a walk every day (with or without the children). Buy a trampoline and enjoy yourself in the garden.

Watch your diet

That sounds simple and it actually is. Right now it is important to choose healthy food. Despite lack of time, try to cook and bake as healthy as possible. Choose fresh, lots of vegetables and fruit. Instead of ice cream, chips or chocolate, just opt ​​for a fruit salad, savory cupcakes with lots of vegetables or, for example, snack vegetables. A stuffed egg is also made in this way and tastes delicious as a filling snack. This also applies to nuts and chickpeas, for example.

Baking for someone else

If you have time, you might like to dive into the kitchen. I can also be found in the kitchen a lot, trying out all kinds of new recipes. Of course you can't eat all of that yourself. Have you ever indulged yourself in the kitchen? Then make others happy with your baking. Give the neighbors a pastry or bring that one tasty cake to family (put it in front of the door and keep your distance!).

Limit eating moments for yourself and the children

Not only you, but also the children need a schedule in this time. Agree together that snacks may only be eaten at certain times. Make sure your children have a choice of healthy snacks. If your kids are having a hard time because of all the measures, the fact that they miss friends and school, fill this void with other things. In any case, prevent your child from seeing food as a comfort food. Once your child learns this, it is difficult to unlearn.

Watch your drinking

Of course, what applies to the food also applies to your drink. It's now so easy to reach for a bottle of soda. But limit the consumption of sodas that are loaded with sugars. This also applies to most juices. Would you like something other than water, tea or coffee? Then make water with a taste or make iced tea yourself (without too much sugar).

Eat warm at lunchtime to avoid sniffing

Now is the perfect time to change your eating habits. In many countries, lunch is served hot. Where I come from (Bavaria) it is quite normal that you eat warm at lunchtime. During the week this may not be possible as soon as possible due to work, but especially on the weekends, a warm meal is served in the afternoon. That has its advantages. During the day you need energy and your body can process the hot food more easily and faster. In the evening it is better to eat something less heavy, such as a sandwich or, for example, cottage cheese and that sort of thing.

It certainly takes some getting used to, but for children it can be that extra push to be able to sleep well, for example. It can also make a difference in sleeping through. If your children eat hot food in the evening, they cannot lose the energy they get from eating. While they can use the energy very well during the day. Then they have to concentrate and play in the garden etc. Give it a try. It really can make a lot of difference.

I myself started cooking and hot food in the afternoon. This week my daughter noticed that she has also been much less inclined to snack in between. Logical, because you are full for a few hours after eating the hot meal. So for us it works perfectly and I will definitely keep it going, as long as a large part of the family works/is at home a lot.

Keep a food diary

Maybe not very fun to do, but a diary can certainly help you during this time. By writing down what you eat and when every day, you can see if there is a certain pattern in the sniffing. In addition, you can see at a glance what you are eating and at what time. On the basis of your diary you can draw up a different diet. You then take healthy food into account.

Stress makes you fat:provide distraction and sufficient me-time

Times have changed drastically and we are often on top of each other 24 hours a day. That doesn't exactly make you happier. Time to change this to avoid getting fat from stress. Take some time for yourself every now and then, no matter how difficult that may be. Be kind to yourself:you can't go out to dinner, on vacation or to an amusement park right now. You can save that money or choose to use the money now for yourself and your family. Buy a fun game, treat yourself to something you've wanted for a long time or surprise the kids with the coveted game console (or even better a playground equipment for the garden).

What do you do to avoid arriving while sitting (mandatory) indoors?