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Fight Split Ends and Avoid Going to the Hairdresser.

Fight Split Ends and Avoid Going to the Hairdresser.

The colors, the sun or the wind, these are factors that damage our hair.

To avoid split ends and the hairdresser's bill, here's what you need to know.

1. How Do Forks Appear?

Hair holds its strength thanks to keratin it contains, which gives it its elasticity and suppleness.

Because of the coloring, brushing, angry brush strokes that we subject them to, our hair loses its elasticity. They age faster, they're dry... and the split ends aren't far away.

How do I know if my hair is at risk for split ends?

1. To know if your hair is healthy, take one from your hair.

2. Stretch on both ends between your fingers.

3. If it grows between 20 and 30% of its original size and returns to its previous size, it is in good shape.

On the other hand, if it breaks, something must be done:your hair has become fragile and brittle, it lacks vitality.

Can the forks be repaired?

Alas no. TV commercials tell you otherwise, and you bought the Repair Serum for Dry Ends and Split Ends. But no convincing results are visible after the application of this product? Normal, forks cannot be repaired!

The only way to get rid of them is therefore to cut them:2 to 3 cm will be enough to eliminate the split ends of the hair. No need to go to the hairdresser though, you will find a good soul to cut them almost straight!

2. How to Brush Your Hair With the Right Brush

Choosing the right hairbrush

We avoid brushes with small balls at the end of their pins. They attack the scalp and break the hair when you untangle them.

On the other hand, the boar bristle brushes are tops. In natural bristles and not in plastic, you preserve your hair and avoid breakage. You can find one on Amazon for €14.5.

Brush your hair well, but not in the direction of the hair!

Don't start brushing your hair from root to tip. Because this way, you risk slipping the knots at the tips, which would weaken them further.

1. We first brush the tips, gently.

2. We then brush at mid-length, very gently too. It is the violent brush strokes that break the hair.

3. We pass a few brush strokes upside down to easily remove dust and other lacquer residues.

3. A Home Care To Avoid Split Ends

1. Ingredients

- 5 tablespoons of olive oil

- 3 tablespoons of honey

- 2 drops of rosemary essential oil (€2.99 on Amazon)

2. We mix everything so that it is homogeneous.

3. This treatment is applied to the hair, in particular on the ends and avoiding, if possible, the roots so that the hair does not become greasy afterwards.

4. Wrap your hair in stretch film or a towel to increase the heat. This will have the effect of opening the hair fibers and allowing the treatment to penetrate deeply.

5. We let it sit for as long as possible. Minimum 45 minutes .

6. Rinse with your usual shampoo.

By taking care of my hair, I avoid split ends and the €30 spent at the hairdresser every 3 months. A saving of €90 over the year, it's worth it, isn't it?

So ladies, what do you do to avoid split ends? Tell me in your comments.