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10 really effective tips to avoid catching the coronavirus.

10 really effective tips to avoid catching the coronavirus.

Governments in different countries are still failing to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

It is therefore necessary for all of us to act now in the fight against COVID-19.

Since there won't be a vaccine for at least a year, the only effective way to fight this pandemic is to reduce its spread.

Fortunately, there are simple and effective tips to significantly reduce the risk of catching this virus.

Here are 10 tips ranked from easiest to hardest to avoid catching the coronavirus . Watch:

10 really effective tips to avoid catching the coronavirus.

1. Don't panic, but be vigilant.

2. Wash your hands often. Consider coughing and sneezing into your elbow.

3. Try to touch your face as little as possible, including your mouth, nose and eyes.

4. Avoid physical contact:do not kiss, do not shake hands and avoid hugs. A simple "hello" with a nod is enough to greet someone without risk.

5. Avoid concerts, plays, sporting events, museums, exhibitions, cinemas, night clubs or any other event with a group of people.

6. Reduce your trips to a minimum. Unless absolutely necessary, do not travel long distances.

7. Unless absolutely necessary, do not use public transport.

8. If you can, telecommute. If not, ask your employer to allow you to work from home.

9. Replace as many social interactions as possible with remote alternatives like phone calls or video chat.

10. Do not leave your home unless absolutely necessary.


There you go, you now know the most effective tips to prevent you from catching the coronavirus!

Not only are these tips effective in avoiding getting sick, but they are also effective in preventing transmission of the virus.

Be aware that wearing a mask is only compulsory for people who have just caught the virus.

Why is this important?

SARS-CoV-2 is a highly infectious and potentially deadly virus that causes a respiratory disease called COVID-19.

In recent months and weeks, the virus and the corresponding disease have often been compared to the flu virus and seasonal flu.

It is true that the symptoms are apparently similar. However, given what we know today about this new virus, the threat it poses to society is different.

1. More contagious than the flu

COVID-19 is much more infectious and spreads much faster than seasonal flu.

2. Deadlier than the flu

Its fatality rate is estimated at around 2%, which means that, unfortunately, it is estimated that 2% of people diagnosed with COVID-19 will succumb to it. By comparison, the case fatality rate for seasonal influenza is estimated at around 0.1%. This means that COVID-19 would be around 20 times more deadly than seasonal flu.

3. Possibility of serious symptoms

An estimated 15-20% of those infected suffer from severe symptoms that require medical attention, including pneumonia with shortness of breath and a drop in blood oxygen saturation.

4. No treatment, no vaccine, no immunity

As this virus appeared recently, there is no really adequate treatment. Further research is needed to effectively treat those infected. Similarly, there is no vaccine yet and the development of this vaccine will take a long time.

In the absence of a vaccine and immunity for the population, everyone is a potential target of infection. While most infected people will suffer only mild symptoms, this lack of overall immunity can lead to severe illness in many at-risk or compromised individuals.

5. Exponential growth

A very large part of the world's population can be infected with this virus. With the number of infected people currently doubling within days, our medical systems can potentially be quickly overloaded. This can lead to a higher number of deaths because people will not receive the care they need.