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10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Burnout is a growing reality in the world of work.

Also called "professional exhaustion syndrome", it affects approximately 30,000 people in France .

However, it is not considered or recognized, to date, as an occupational disease.

The 1st symptom is to feel extremely tired or even weak.

As if a part of you had disappeared.

To feel good at work, many factors come into play.

This includes emotional stability, good health, recognition of skills and good relationships with colleagues.

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

But these are not the only important factors.

Autonomy in one's work, the possibility of giving one's opinion on the questions that affect you are all vital points to be fulfilled at work and to feel that one is useful for something.

If not, you may be suffering from this situation. And that can lead to burnout.

To avoid finding yourself in this situation, here are 10 simple tips to take care of yourself when you feel exhausted or tired at work.

1. Spend time with your friends

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Spending time with friends or loved ones is one of the best ways to feel good mentally and physically. Being with people who are like us and who share the same values ​​will help you especially if you feel that you are not doing well. Your friends are the only ones who can effectively cheer you up when things are going badly. Meet new people is also a good idea in this kind of situation. It will give you more energy and new ideas to share. Go out, meet new people, smile, laugh, do fun things. Human beings are social beings after all!

To discover: 10 Good Reasons To Stop Checking Facebook Permanently.

2. Take short breaks throughout the day

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Remember that you are first and foremost a human and not a machine. No matter what your schedule at work or what household chores you have to do, remember to take small breaks throughout the day. Take 5 min after each hour of intense concentration. Walk, drink water, make coffee, make yourself a snack, relax for a few moments, do whatever helps you take a break.

To discover: How to Clean Your Whole House in 1 Hour Flat.

3. Get outside and breathe in the fresh air

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Part of staying fit and healthy is getting out of the house and spending time outside in the sun. Make sure you get some fresh air every day. Walk or cycle to work. If you must take the bus or car to work, park a few blocks from the office and walk. If you live near the ocean, a lake or nature, then you really have no excuse not to enjoy Mother Nature! For others who live in the city, consider relaxing in a garden or park.

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4. Eat healthy foods

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

What you eat plays a crucial role in the well-being of your body and mind. To be in shape, you have to eat well (and organic if possible). Remember to eat as many fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts as possible in your daily diet. Avoid consuming junk food and processed foods. You can even treat yourself to a good dessert when you're a little sad. After all, a good chocolate fondant is certainly our best anti-blues ally;-)

To discover: 7 Tips For Eating CHEAP Organic.

5. Meditate at least 10 min a day

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

If possible, try to schedule a meditation session of at least 10 minutes every day, no matter how busy you are at the office. The human brain tends to overanalyze things and then run out of things to do. It is for this reason that you need to give your mind a break by meditating regularly. Meditation helps to clear one's thoughts, purify one's mind and recharge with positive energy. You may not see the effects at first. But once you begin to experience the power of meditation, you won't be able to live without it.

To discover: Meditation:The 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits to Your Brain.

6. Exercise regularly

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Human beings are full of energy but don't necessarily use it in the right way. And if we don't use it in the right way, we can get frustrated. That's why it's always good to release all the stored energy in your body before it drives you crazy. Exercise should be part of your daily routine. This is the first thing you need to plan in your calendar. And it should not be possible to undo it for any reason. Why ? Because exercising helps to fight gloom and feel good about your body. It's also the best way to take care of your heart and lungs.

To discover: Don't Like Doing Abs? 6 Simple Exercises To Do For Beginners.

7. Surround yourself with plants at home

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Plants revitalize your mind and body. In the house, they are easy to maintain and purify the air around you. They bring a relaxing and positive energy. Not to mention the fact that they listen to you and that you can confide everything to them. You can make them listen to all your favorite music! In addition, gardening is proven to be a stress-busting activity. So, what are you waiting for? Don't worry, gardening isn't that hard.

To discover: The 5 Secrets Of Effortless Gardening.

8. Do stretches every day

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Yoga and meditation often go hand in hand. Practicing one facilitates the other. Sometimes a little yoga session takes all the stress away in the blink of an eye. A good stretch helps relax your muscles, channeling negative energy and turning it into positive energy. After a session, you feel happy and content. Benefits for body, mind and soul!

To discover: 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Yoga.

9. Have a good night

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

No matter the demands and pressure of the day, you should never sacrifice your sleep. It's while you sleep that your body has the opportunity to relax and reboot for another busy day. Sleep is necessary to regenerate your body and mind. Do something relaxing before going to bed and especially no laptop! You can try a cup of chamomile tea, take a hot bath, read, listen to music, or even give yourself a big hug :-)

To discover: 15 Insomnia Tricks You Absolutely Need to Know.

10. Laugh as much as possible

10 Simple and Effective Tips to Avoid Burn-Out at Work.

Most importantly, never forget to laugh. Laughter is one of the best medicines that can help you fight burnout, stress, anxiety, or even depression. Start with a good funny movie, watch a funny video, or watch your favorite movie for the 100th time. Also spend more time with happy people, try anything that can help put a smile on your face. If you are happy and positive, burnout won't dare knock on your door!

If you have been the victim of a burn-out at work, I recommend this book "Rebuilding yourself after a burn-out".