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Special botox treatments

Everyone is now familiar with the concept of botox and fillers, treatments with botox have increased in popularity in recent years, not in the least because things have become increasingly beneficial. But as far as the application areas of Botox are concerned, everyone initially thinks of removing wrinkles and smooth skin. It is certainly true that botox injections are widely used to (temporarily) reduce or make wrinkles disappear, but there are many more problems that can be solved with the help of botox.

Botox against excessive sweating

Everyone perspires during heavy exertion or when it is hot, that is completely normal. Some people sweat a little more than others, but there is also a group of people who perspire excessively and that can be experienced as very annoying. It creates unpleasant odors and it does not look pleasant when someone is wet with sweat. We perspire because that way we can regulate our body temperature. The sweat on the skin evaporates, allowing the body to cool down. But excessive sweating is an annoying condition that the hands, feet and armpits are most sensitive to.

Botox can help to prevent excessive sweating because the botox injection blocks the signal transmission to the ends of the nerves of the sweat glands, so that less sweat will be produced. The result is that the patient is then rid of wet hands and sweaty feet. Again, this is not a permanent solution, but a temporary result.

Treating gummy smile

Translated from English, a Gummy smile is a gum smile. This is the case when a large part of the gums above the upper teeth is visible when laughing. That in itself is not a medical problem in itself, but many people just don't like the look and the eye wants something too, don't they? The reason for a (too) large part of the gums being visible is that the muscles that have to pull up the upper lip are just too strong.

In the past, this problem was solved by means of a fairly drastic operation, but nowadays a treatment with botox can be a simple solution. Botox is injected into the muscles that pull up the upper lip, making them less powerful. The result is that the upper lip is raised less high, so that the gum smile (temporarily) belongs to the past. The treatment is virtually painless, but the result is impressive. The optimal result is achieved after about 6 weeks and will remain for a month or 4 months.

Botox treatment against migraine

Migraines are headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting. People who suffer from migraine in many cases cannot tolerate light or sound during an attack. At that time, they are best served by a completely darkened room, resting on a bed. Migraine is an incredibly annoying condition that people can really suffer from.

Both migraines and tension headaches can be treated with botox, because they have a muscle relaxant effect. In certain cases, a botox treatment of the so-called frown lines is sufficient. Sometimes it is also necessary to also treat the forehead, neck and back of the head with Botox.

A caveat is in order here. As with all botox treatments, it is only a temporary solution. But it can certainly bring about a considerable relief of the complaints.

Have you ever had a botox treatment? If so, for what?