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Fighting loneliness:6 tips and tricks

Fighting loneliness:6 tips and tricks

A third of the elderly say they frequently feel alone, 2 million are isolated from all family and friendly circles according to the association of the Little Brothers of the Poor. If loneliness can be a benefit if it is felt only from time to time, many seniors suffer from it on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are many solutions to remedy loneliness. Our 6 tips and tricks.

1 - Get out of your house

To fight against loneliness, nothing better than to get some fresh air, to get out of your home. You're retired and you have time for yourself, so take the opportunity to walk around places you love, to visit interesting places you don't know yet.

In addition to taking advantage of the light and the sun, which are good for morale, leaving your home increases the chances of meeting new people and not feeling alone.

2 - Do an activity

You are passionate about sports, painting, theatre, dancing, gardening, DIY, etc. ? Take advantage of your passions, so that, once you retire, get started in an activity that you love and that you have never practiced until now for lack of time.

In addition to pleasing yourself, by joining a club or association for example, you will necessarily meet new people, meet new people, even make new friends with whom you can spend time and break your loneliness.

3 - Encourage encounters

If you suffer from loneliness, do not hesitate to provoke encounters. Talk to your neighbors, invite them for a snack, exchange a few words with your merchants, with passers-by during your walks, etc., good ways to build relationships and feel less alone.

To go further, and if you no longer want to live alone following the death of your spouse or a divorce, and you are looking for a soul mate, to break the loneliness, register for example on a dating site specializing in seniors. If you can't find love, it's usually guaranteed to share good times with people of the opposite sex.

4 - Adopt a pet

It is well known, the animal is the best friend of man, and especially the benefits of a pet on seniors is confirmed. If you are feeling lonely, why not adopt a pet? You will thus be able to benefit from a precious presence by your side and above all from a being whom you must take care of, to whom you can talk, etc.

A cat can bring you comfort, while a dog can allow you to meet people during your daily walks together.

5 - Get involved as a volunteer

Suffering from loneliness is often synonymous with a feeling of uselessness. A feeling that is not uncommon, especially among newly retired seniors and for whom the cessation of professional activity implies the need to give new meaning to their lives.

There is nothing better than feeling useful so as not to be bored and not to feel alone. Engaging in a voluntary activity:an association, a sports club, a humanitarian structure, etc., is a good way, on the one hand, to meet other people, to widen one's circle of friends, to get out of at home, and in addition to helping others and acting for society.

6 - Share your home

Suffering from loneliness when you live alone in your home is not uncommon for an elderly person. Especially for seniors who have lived with a deceased spouse all their lives.

So, if you have a fairly large house or apartment, why not decide to share your home and provide a bedroom, for example? Today, more and more seniors are opting for what is called solidarity intergenerational cohabitation. Why not you to break the loneliness?

Solidarity intergenerational cohabitation refers to the fact of welcoming a young person under the age of 30 into your home, often students, apprentices, etc., who find it difficult to find housing given the high rent prices.

This young person resides in your home either for free in return for small services he provides you, or in exchange for a small financial contribution. Solidarity between generations is a good solution for the elderly who suffer from isolation and loneliness. They benefit in particular from a presence at their side, which reassures them, but also with whom they can discuss, play board games, walk, etc.

Another solution to break the loneliness at home:resort to shared accommodation between seniors. A solution that is developing more and more, and which allows not only to share the costs related to housing, but also to enjoy a convivial life and never to be alone again.