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10 home remedies to cure cough

10 home remedies to cure cough

Cough is one of the most painful inconveniences that can affect us in winter. When it is oily, it causes great pain in our bronchi. When dry, it causes particularly unpleasant irritations. Since the vast majority of cough suppressants sold in pharmacies are useless, even harmful for some, according to a survey of 60 million consumers , it is better to turn to natural remedies tested and approved. Here are a few.

1. Prefer honey

Honey is recommended in case of irritation cough which occurs especially at night. It calms irritation, soothes the mucous membranes of the throat while offering healing properties. It also has an antiseptic effect that alleviates the flu. You can take a spoonful or two before going to sleep.

2. Try the homemade syrup

You can make a "home made" syrup very easily. For this, use a tablespoon of honey which soothes the throat, a pinch of chilli powder which promotes healing and the juice of half a lemon which relieves irritation and provides vitamin C.

3. A good toddy to perk up

Used for millennia to fight sore throats, grog has not lost its effectiveness until today. To take advantage of its benefits, mix boiling water, a small dose of rum, honey and lemon. This drink also promotes good sleep. Alcohol not being the ingredient with interesting virtues against coughs, the grog can just as well be prepared without alcohol.

4. An onion-based syrup

You may not know it, but onion is a powerful cough remedy. When cut, it releases sulfur compounds which are anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory and which facilitate expectoration and expulsion of mucus. To make a syrup, chop six onions then put them in a bain-marie, adding half a cup of honey. After two hours of cooking, pour everything into a pot. Consume a tablespoon of this mixture every three hours.

5. Thyme in herbal tea to treat dry cough

10 home remedies to cure cough

There are so many kinds of herbal teas that can help with your cough, it's hard to choose. Thyme is surprisingly effective on throat irritations. It relieves the pain caused by the disease. It is enough to consume it in the form of herbal tea three times a day. Add a teaspoon of honey for even more efficiency. You can also try marshmallow, for example, which soothes irritations. There is also horehound which is very effective against wet coughs. Otherwise, try licorice which helps reduce the intensity of the cough.

6. A bit of humidity in the house

Did you know that humidity can soothe coughing fits? Air that is too dry actually leads to throat irritation. To avoid illness, consider using an air humidifier.

7. Inhalations to unclog your airways

Do you also do inhalation sessions using different essential oils. Opt for myrtle essential oil if you have a bit of a cold, benzoin essential oil to stop coughs or sandalwood essential oil which is antiseptic and calms respiratory disorders. How to use:boil water, pour it into a bowl, add a few drops of essential oil and inhale with a towel over your head.

8. Simple ideas:cough drops

Some sweets help relieve coughs instantly. Sugar promotes fluidification of the respiratory system. You feel much better as soon as your airways are a little clear. Prefer honey, lemon, mint or slippery elm candies for dry coughs. If it is a wet cough, then take horehound lozenges.

9. Homeopathy

Among the homeopathic granules traditionally known to relieve coughs, sore throats or airway obstruction are belladona (cough with fever), sundew (irritating coughs and bronchitis) or cuprum metallicum (coughing fits). But the best thing is to consult a homeopath.

10. Stock up on vitamins

Do not forget to stock up on vitamins for prevention, especially when winter arrives. Prefer lemon as well as other varieties of fruits and vegetables bursting with vitamin C such as blackcurrant, parsley, pepper or kiwi.