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5 vegetables that should not be missing from your diet

5 vegetables that should not be missing from your diet

Eating fruits and vegetables is indispensable in a healthy diet. They contain vitamins, minerals and fiber that are good for your body. But which vegetables really stand out?

There are so many well-known and now exotic vegetables, but they all have a different composition.

Read also: '10 ways to eat more vegetables'

Have 2 ounces of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit every day

Who is not familiar with the phrase '2 ounces of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit'? It is a rule of thumb to get your daily portion of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. And of course also a lot of important dietary fibers, which are also very healthy for your body.

Unfortunately, a lot of Dutch people do not get enough vegetables, fruit and therefore also dietary fiber. According to the latest studies by the RIVM, there are still too many people who do not meet the so-called recommended daily allowance (RDA). For women it is 30 grams and for men it is 40 grams per day.

But eating vegetables and fruit is not only important for these fibers, because they also contain many other healthy nutrients. There are also vegetables that excel and often even get the label 'superfood'. These are the top 5 vegetables that are among the best in the class.

Top 5 vegetables

In the list below you will find a few toppers that should in any case not be missing in your shopping cart and that make a very positive contribution to a healthy lifestyle.

1. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are such a vegetable that are a gift from heaven for real enthusiasts, but a torture for others. One thing is certain; it is an extremely healthy vegetable. They fall under the cabbage species, along with broccoli and cauliflower, among others.

Although Brussels sprouts have been around for more than 2,500 years, it was only later that they became much more famous. Brussels sprouts were first grown in Brussels around 1800. Hence the name 'Brussels sprouts'. It is also a sturdy vegetable that can take a beating; 15 degrees frost is no problem.

But why are they so healthy for you? For starters, Brussels sprouts contain hefty amounts of vitamin C (even more than oranges), as well as bursting with the mineral iron. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B6, E, K. But also the minerals magnesium, phosphorus and folic acid. They also contain high amounts of powerful antioxidants.

2. Kale

Many people love this winter vegetable, preferably in a tasty stew with a smoked sausage. But of course you can also stir-fry kale or use it in a smoothie. It is super healthy and full of healthy nutrients, fiber and is low in calories.

Especially here, the vitamin C is again abundantly present, of course together with a lot of other vitamins and minerals. But did you also know that a handful of kale already contains 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids? When fighting against obesity, kale can also help, because it is filling (partly due to the healthy dietary fiber), but is still low in calories.

It is also the ideal detox vegetable, not only because of its dietary fiber, but also because it contains sulfur that helps with this. Furthermore, many people ingest more minerals with it, which they may not normally ingest as much, such as magnesium, calcium and potassium.

3. Carrots

You can also make a stew (or rather stew) from carrots, a recipe together with onions and potatoes. But carrots are also delicious cooked or in wok dishes. You can use winter carrots or normal carrots (called wax carrots or carrots) for this, which are usually more popular.

Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A and per 100 grams more than 300% of the recommended daily amount (RDA). You will also find vitamin C in it and the minerals calcium and iron.

Carrots also help regulate blood sugar levels, due to the antioxidants and phytochemicals present. Controlling blood sugar levels will lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, it can also help people with type 2 diabetes and plays an important role in people who fight against overweight or obesity.

4. Beets

You might not say it, but beets are also a root crop. With spring approaching, there are again a lot of people who, in addition to cooking delicious, also make delicious salads. The delicious sweet taste of beets is loved by many.

It contains vitamins A, B, C, beta-carotene (also in carrots), folic acid, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and fiber that contribute to a healthy diet. In addition, beetroot also has a detoxifying effect and can therefore be used (with other vegetables) for detoxification. Beets also contain significant amounts of antioxidants.

The increased nitrate content of beetroot not only stimulates the production of nitrogen dioxide in the blood, but also in the muscles. This helps to regulate oxygen consumption in the blood, allowing you to sustain workouts for longer. You can give it a try to see if you notice this in practice.

5. Broccoli

You can cook broccoli, just like any other vegetable, but also eat it raw. There is the golden mean by not cooking it for a long time and keeping it crunchy. You can achieve this result with woks, among other things.

Broccoli contains vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, dietary fiber and much more. In addition, there is almost 3 grams of protein in broccoli per 100 grams, which will appeal to the athletes among us. They are the building blocks of your muscle bundles, and an important macronutrient that you should take a little more from when doing strength training (or other sports where you do intensive work).

It lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease (just like with other vegetables), contributes to a healthy digestion and stomach and intestinal flora and is a power vegetable that you can easily mix with other types of vegetables.


We all know the most famous way to prepare vegetables, and that is by boiling or steaming them. You can serve them that way with potatoes, rice, pasta at dinner, with a nice piece of fish, meat or chicken. Although this is very tasty, you can of course also vary with vegetables.

You can also eat them raw (such as carrots, cauliflower, beetroot, but in fact a lot of vegetables), which is surprisingly tasty for many. It is really recommended and worth a try. You can also use vegetables in salads (hot and cold).

Another option, which is also an increasing trend these days, is the vegetable and fruit smoothies that you can make with it. Get different types of fruit and vegetables at home and mix them into a delicious smoothie with milk or water. You can also add other things such as honey and then enjoy your delicious smoothie!