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Protect your brain with a Mediterranean diet

Protect your brain with a Mediterranean diet

Good news for lovers of the Mediterranean diet:in addition to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and dementia, the diet is also said to protect your brain.

Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, fish, whole grains, legumes, olive oil and little red meat , saturated fats such as butter and refined grains:Italians and Greeks know what good food is.

Favorable effect on the brain
Researchers found that people eating Mediterranean food food have less minor damage to the blood vessels in the brain, Health Net reports. It had previously been shown that a Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease , strokes and dementia. Research by Hannah Gardener of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine now also shows that the diet has a beneficial effect on the brain.

White fabric
The researchers examined brain scans and nutrition of no fewer than 966 adults with a mean age of 72 years and looked at the possible effects of diet on White Matter Hyperintensity Volume (WMHV) in the brain. This is an indicator of damage in the small blood vessels in the brain and is detected by MRI.

Previous studies have shown that large amounts of WMHV in the brain predict a higher risk of stroke and dementia. The study found that people who followed a Mediterranean diet had a lower amount of WMHV than those who followed a different diet.

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