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The 15 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Be Happy.

The 15 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Be Happy.

During one's existence, one clings to behaviors that cause stress, pain and suffering.

To live a life with more happiness and less stress, it is essential to get rid of these habits.

Here is a list of 15 things you have to stop doing to be happy:

The 15 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Be Happy.

1. Stop always wanting to be right

There are many people who can't stand being wrong and always want to be right.

These people need to be right so badly that they will do anything to get there.

They are even ready to sacrifice their personal relationships. Therefore, it hurts the people around them.

But why do that? Is it really worth it?

If you too feel the “need” to prove yourself right, ask yourself this essential question:

“Would I rather be right or be kind? »

The choice is obvious. To stop always wanting to be right, you sometimes have to know how to put your ego on hold.

2. Stop wanting to control everything

Be prepared to let go of the habit of wanting to control everything. This includes things happening around you, events, people, etc.

Whether it's your loved ones, your colleagues and even the strangers you meet on the street, let others be as they are!

Let others and things be as they are and you will quickly see the effects on your own well-being.

Lao Tzu said, "By letting go, everything goes as it should. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try again and again, everything becomes hard to win. »

3. Stop blaming

Let go of your need to blame others for what you have (or don't have).

And stop blaming the people around you for how you feel (or don't).

Instead of believing that the people around you control your well-being, take back responsibility for your life.

4. Stop negative talk

It's one of the worst habits you can have.

There are far too many people hurting themselves because of their negative way of perceiving things and perceiving themselves.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and thinking only of failure.

Don't believe every thought that pops into your head — especially if it's negative and counterproductive.

5. Stop putting barriers in your head

Stop setting limits on what you can and can't do.

From now on, don't let your limits hold you back. Spread your wings and fly as high and far as you can!

“A belief is not just an idea that the mind has, it is an idea that has the mind. —Elly Roselle

6. Stop complaining

Stop complaining about the things, people, situations and events that make you unhappy, sad or depressed.

There is no one and nothing that can make you unhappy — unless you allow it.

It's not the situation you're in that causes these feelings in you — it's the way you perceive it.

Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

7. Stop criticizing everything

Stop criticizing anything different. Whether it's the people around you, the things or events happening around you.

Of course, everyone is different. But at the same time, everyone is the same.

Think about these similarities:we all want to be happy, we all want to love, we all want to be loved, we all want to be understood.

Observe the similarities around you and you will stop criticizing the differences.

8. Stop trying to impress others

Stop pretending to be someone you're not just to be liked. That's not how life works.

To attract others to you (and effortlessly, too), there are no secrets. Drop the mask and accept to be yourself!

9. Stop resisting change

Change is a positive thing. It is what allows us to go from one point to another.

The change will allow you to improve your own life, as well as that of others.

The pursuit of happiness is about welcoming change, not resisting it.

10. Stop labeling people

Stop labeling things and people you don't understand.

Gradually try to open your mind and let go of easy labels, such as “weird” and “different”.

A mind only works well if it is open to new things.

11. Stop being afraid

Let go of all your fears. Fear is just an illusion. It doesn't exist — you created it.

“The only thing we should be afraid of is fear itself. —Franklin Roosevelt

12. Stop making excuses

Most of the limits we impose on ourselves come from the excuses we invent.

Instead of fulfilling and improving our lives, it is easy to resort to excuses.

99.9% of the time, these excuses are completely unfounded — they just aren't real.

13. Stop clinging to the past

Stop clinging to the past. It is far from an easy thing. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks terrifying.

But you have to recognize it:the present is the only moment that is completely yours.

Why ? Because this past you cling to, this past that makes you dream, you ignored it when it was your present.

So stop fooling yourself:be present in everything you do and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Remember that life is a journey, not a destination.

14. Stop getting attached

Attachment to things and people is certainly one of the hardest behaviors to give up — but it's not impossible!

Warning:detaching yourself from something or someone does not mean that you stop loving it.

Love and attachment are two totally different concepts. Attachment is based on fear. Whereas love, true love, is pure, beneficent and selfless.

If you feel love, you cannot feel fear. Therefore, love and attachment cannot coexist.

As soon as we succeed in detaching ourselves from things and others, we are at peace with ourselves. We become more tolerant, more benevolent and above all, more serene.

If you manage to detach yourself from the things and people you love, it will be much easier for you to understand all the things around you. It's a state of mind that goes beyond words.

15. Stop trying to please everyone

Too many people lead a life that is not theirs.

They live a life based on the expectations of the people around them. People who supposedly think they know what suits them and what doesn't.

Concretely, it can be the expectations of parents, friends, enemies, teachers, the government or even the media.

The problem with this behavior is that you don't listen to your inner voice. You care so much about trying to please everyone that you lose control of your own life!

We forget what makes us happy, what we want, what we need... and, eventually, we even forget who we are!

You only have one life—this one, now. So live it fully. And don't let other people's opinions get you out of your way!

Here you have discovered the things you have to stop doing to be happy. What do you think ? Do you know any others? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you :-)