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3 Miracle Gestures To Fall Asleep Quickly.

3 Miracle Gestures To Fall Asleep Quickly.

Sleep well is the basis of my balance.

All it takes is one bad night and my day is ruined!

To avoid this, I set up a real ritual before going to bed. Yes, like for babies.

And it works ! Do you also want a serene and restorative night?

So discover 3 magic rituals to fall asleep quickly every night:

3 Miracle Gestures To Fall Asleep Quickly.

1. A little cold water

This is the weirdest of my tricks!

To relax before going to bed, run a trickle of cold water down your spine for 2 minutes.

Why does it work?

When you sleep, your body works at a slower pace and your temperature drops slightly.

Cold water has a vasoconstrictor effect on your body.

It slightly lowers your body temperature and thus prepares it for sleep.

2. Cause the blackout

To be soothed before going to bed, I turn off all my screens 20 minutes before going to bed.

Television, smartphone, tablet, video games, music...

Electrical devices have a knack for stimulating our brains and stressing our bodies. Our body is then unable to fall asleep.

So read on!

Why does it work?

It's scientifically proven!

The blue light given off by digital screens disrupts the production of a key sleep hormone, melatonin.

And it is she who helps us sleep well. If the body does not produce enough melatonin, we sleep poorly.

3. In complete darkness

To sleep well, I turn off all the lights and pilot lights and I close the shutters to find myself in complete darkness.

Why does it work?

The presence of a light in the chamber stops the secretion of melatonin.

If we leave a light in the room, it's like telling our brain that it's time to get up.

It stops the production of melatonin and therefore, we wake up.

The extra grandma's thing

That's my grandmother's trick.

She always told me that to sleep well you had to put a square of purple silk under your pillow.

Personally, I opted for a silk pillowcase.

It's so pleasant that I fall asleep immediately.

In addition, it also seems that silk delays the appearance of wrinkles.


There you go, you now know all my 3 natural secrets for sleeping well :-)

Good night and sweet dreams!

Did you know that some are rich in melatonin?

Here is the list to know to have sweet dreams.

Your turn...

And for you, does it work? Do you have any tips that help you sleep well? Share your secrets in the comments!